Mental Health Motorbike

Mental Health Motorbike

On Wednesday 4th December some 20 club members attended a talk in Whaddon Village Hall given by Martin Young from the Mental Health Motorbike charity.

Martin began by introducing himself and he stated that the aim of the charity was to provide a free face to face and online mental health first aid support for the biker community throughout the UK.  The charity existed to create meaningful and purposeful opportunities, for all bikers, so that together the wellbeing of the biker community was promoted.  He added that this could be achieved through 1 to 1 and peer support, events, training activities and projects, working in partnership with other organisations and clubs.

Martin then gave a number of statistics that highlighted that mental health issues amongst all people, not just bikers were more widespread than generally recognised and added that males, in the age range 20-49, were most at risk from self harm, or worse, as a result of mental health problems.

Martin outlined the support available and gave details of the training available for those wishing to become involved with the charity.  He concluded with a short question and answer session.

We would like to thank Martin for his insightful and thought  provoking talk to the club.